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Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

By: Ink on Dec. 09, 2018
Last edit: Dec. 14, 2018 at 10:48 AM
Here you will find answers to common questions encountered by the community. The five categories cover everything the platform has to offer and intends to guide new users to familiarity. Any further questions, do not hesitate to drop by Discord and ask.

General FAQ

Where do I get support?
By contacting an admin via Discord via any channel.

What is CGO?
You can find out more information on this page.

What are CGO's social media?
They are all found in the top right menu of the website.

How many events has CGO done?
CGO has completed many hundreds of events since its inception in 2010.

How does a game receive CGO support?
A thriving and passionate community is all it takes for a game to make its way onto the CGO platform.

Why should I compete in CGO?
CGO strives to offer competitions where the competitor's are the main focus. A high bar of quality competition is favoured over other more common attributes like convenience, technicalities, and event saturation. By winning CGO events, you will be asserting your position in your competitive community.

Further, CGO aims to offer a complete historical record of all events and amazing competitive feats. Teams will be immortalized in these records that anyone can access at anytime. Deep stat collections will also aid players and teams in forming more strategies and fueling improvement.


Where do I find X?
Everything user related is found in the settings link in the top menu. If you do not see this menu item, then you are not logged in. Clicking either link presented from there will allow you to login or create an account. The link which displays your username is a link to your public profile that others may see.

Can I change my name?
Yes. You may change your name in the settings menu under the field 'username'. You can not change your User ID (what you made on account creation). There are further fields for gameaccount names.

What media can I upload for profile and banner images?
Respectful content appropriate for a PG-13 audience.

Can I delete my account?
Accounts will not be deleted. They will instead be deactivated and not visible publicly. Nor will anyone be able to login and use them.

Can I share my account?
No, account sharing is not permitted. The automatic systems will detect any inconsistencies and a ban on all involved parties will be made.

I have other issues not discussed here, where do I go?
Join the discord and ask for an admin!


How do I create a team?
You can create a team via your settings profile and scrolling to the bottom of the page. There you will find 'team management'.

I disbanded a team, can it be recovered?
Generally no. The team will not be recovered but a replacement team can be made. with the help of a CGO admin the team can be almost identical to the original team.

Who owns a team?
CGO owns all team profiles. In general, the current team leader will be given the only voice in any disputes. Points earned and roster majority rules do not have any effect on the specific team profile.

I have an idea for a new team feature?
Great. Submit it to us in private or via our Discord channel for feedback.

Can I be on multiple teams?
Yes, you may be on any number of teams. Teams may only consistent of 7 players. Larger amounts of members in a group will be possible in a future update.


How do I join an event?
You must have a team with at least five valid players. A valid player is one who has the specific game IGN field filled out, a valid SteamID, and is not banned. The event must also be set to a register status to join.

How do I leave an event?
A team leaves the event by clicking the leave button on the event page. A player in the team can leave the event only by contacting an admin or leaving the team once the team leaves the event.

Where are the brackets?
Brackets will be made on the event page at event start time.

Report matches?
Yes, you must report your match by going to the match page. Please only input correct scores and maps.

What stats are collected?
Currently, we collect all information on the number of matches and rounds played on an overall and per map basis. This is tied to each team to give win and loss percents. It also allows us to give general event specific stats. Individual stats requires OCR or demo files from the game. If these stats are not present, then they are not being collected.

I can't kick a player or change leader?
If your team is registered, participating in, or is apart of an event, then the team is in a locked status. This disables select features of the team control panel. To leave this locked status your team must not be in any active event.

Can I play in different regions?
You are free to compete in any region provided you meet any restrictions outlined in the rules (ex, ping limits).


What is a season?
Seasons are a collection of events bundled together to offer a larger competition. Over the duration of the season individual events are strung together to develop narratives and heighten tensions. Full information on seasons can be found on our Seasons 101 guide.

What is the structure of a season?
Seasons will be presented with a fixed amount of cups extending through a specified duration of time. This is normally three major cups and three minor cups.

Teams will compete in these cups to earn points. Later cups award more points than earlier points. The top 7 teams in points and the winner of the final major cup will earn a spot in the season climax, the Champions Cup. The overall points winner will also win a special award.

The Champions Cup houses the best of the season in an intense event of competition. The team who has the skill and tenacity to emerge victorious is crowned the Grand Champion.

What do seasons offer?
On top of rewards, the team is promoted for the duration of the next season on the specific game page. And if willing, the team can engage in content creation efforts with CGO (interviews, live streams) to promote themselves.